Kathryn Accurso is Assistant Professor of Teaching Language and Literacies at the University of British Columbia. She is an applied linguist and former K-12 English language teacher. Her work centers around pursuing a multilingual equity agenda in which all teachers and teacher educators take responsibility for and are equipped to support multilingual learners’ engagement, growth, critical thinking, and well-being in schools. Her main teaching and research areas are: disciplinary literacies, K-12 teacher education and professional development, systemic functional linguistics, genre pedagogy, and action research as a form of teacher/teacher educator professional development.

Dr. Kathryn Accurso, Dr. Brenda Muzeta and Dr. Marsha Jing-Ji Liaw will jointly deliver a talk on ‘Teaching between languages: Five principles for the multilingual classroom‘.

Talk abstract

Do you work in a school or classroom where students have a range of language backgrounds, including some you don’t share? This article introduces some basic principles of a translanguaging pedagogy to help teachers think about how they can draw on students’ existing language skills even when they don’t speak the same languages as students. This approach is designed to support students’ development as multilingual speakers, writers, and thinkers even as they are expanding their disciplinary English.

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