Accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the ELT Voices peer-reviewed international journal.

Click here to upload your paper.
General Guidelines
- Research Papers should be of interest and relevance to the theme of the summit.
- The authors must submit unpublished works.
- Language should be clear, coherent and the content used in a paper should be consistent and appealing to the topic selected by the author.
- All submissions received shall be blind reviewed by the members of the Editorial Advisory Committee.
- No paper will be accepted if the content is plagiarized.
- Papers with plagiarized content or improper citations/references will NOT be accepted.
- The length of a paper should not exceed 8000 words excluding abstract, keywords, and references.
- The text should be double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font with a margin of 1.5 inches.
- The cover page should contain the title of the paper, the author’s name, designation, affiliation, email ID, and contact details.
- The name of the author should not appear anywhere in the paper except the cover page to facilitate a blind review process.
- All references should be cited in APA format at the end of the paper.
- All tables, graphs, figures, etc. must be numbered serially.
Please refer to any of the following papers for formatting guidelines.
- Errors in Learning English: Theoretical and Pedagogical Approaches with Reference to Adivasi Students in West Bengal, India
- Exploring Postcolonial Elements in the Poetry of Kaveh Akbar
- A New Rhythm of Dissent in India: Giving Voice to the Marginalised Through Rap Music
Paper Editing Fee
Upon selection of the paper, the authors shall have to pay the editing charges of $20 for their papers.