Ms. Ixchell Reyes MA TESOL, Teacher Trainer, Educational Technology Podcaster, and Language Teacher.

She will deliver a plenary talk on ‘Insights from the Field: Maintaining Motivation in the Language Classroom’.


Learners face many challenges studying a mandated additional language, and the issues instructors face on their daily approach to teaching can also weaken motivation and threaten momentum. Can technology play a role in reducing burnout and creating more positive classroom experiences? How can English teachers stay inspired and continue growing as professionals and humans? How can we support each other through our journey as language educators in a field that may not often provide full support? What role does technology have in our quest to overcome fatigue, and overwhelm the ever-present stressors in the world of language teaching? The speaker will share lessons gained in her journey as a language learner and later as a language teacher, podcaster, and teacher trainer.  The insights shared will encourage language educators to reflect on maintaining personal and professional motivation in their language classroom and some positive aspects of 21st century technology.

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