We request all the presenters and participants to go through the following instructions:

  • Download the Zoom meeting app and sign in with the Zoom desktop client or mobile app. Download the latest version of Zoom for better security and performance.
  • To sign in to Zoom for the first time, enter your full name, email address, and contact number.
  • Check your network settings to make sure your network connection is stable. If possible, use a wired Ethernet connection or Wi-Fi.
  • It is advisable to use a laptop or desktop for better delivery. However, you can also use a mobile phone for your presentation. Please ensure that there is no disturbance during your presentation.  
  • Ensure you are in a place where you can control noise and interruptions. Make sure that other devices at home are muted or turned off.
  • Please join your respective Zoom meeting (link, ID, and password will be shared) at least 15 minutes prior and check the audio, video, and network.
  • You can connect to the audio by phone or a laptop using a headset connected to your device.
  • To join the allotted room, use the link provided by the organizers by email.
  • Use the 9-digit meeting ID sent on your email for joining the session. The same will also reflect in the schedule of the summit.
  • As you log in, you would be directed to the Zoom waiting room. Kindly wait till the host adds you to the meeting.
  • When it is your turn as a presenter, you must keep your video ON during the presentation. If you are muted by the host, kindly make sure that you unmute yourself before you start your presentation.
  • The host of the meeting will make you co-host so that you can mute/unmute yourself and also share your screen. If you are going to use a PowerPoint presentation, please email your presentations (PPTs) in advance so that they will be kept as a backup with the host in case you cannot share your screen.
  • You can also use other tools to contact the host by raising a hand or sending a message in the chat box in case of any issues related to audio or video.
  • If you leave a meeting for various possible reasons, you can rejoin if the meeting is still in progress. 
  • For making presenters comfortable in handing Zoom, prior practice sessions will be arranged two days before the event.
  • Needless to state, presenters should wear formal dress and look presentable to the camera.
  • All the sessions will be recorded. You can request the organizers to share recordings with you after the summit.

In case of any difficulty or further queries, please feel free to write to us at eltsummit2020@gmail.com or contact us on any of the following numbers:

  • Dr. Atul Patil               +91 0957703660
  • Mr. Rahul Kale            +91 08390949967